17 Five years in the trenches, 2019
17 Five years in the trenches, May 2019
Cinc anys a les trinxeres / Five years in the trenches
May 16, 2019 – September 28, 2019
Jordi Casañas, Joan Furriols, Jesús Galdón, Martí Gasull Avellán,
Martí Gasull Coral, Oriol Jolonch, Salvador Juanpere, Elena Kervinen,
Jordi Lafon, Jordi Martoranno, Jorge R. Pombo, David Ymbernon.
Press release: view or download.PDF
Catalogue: view or download.PDF
p a p e r P R E S S
El Punt Avui, July 3, 2019
Maria Palau interview with Anna Belsa: view or download.PDF (in Catalan)
English translation: view or download.PDF – facsimile
La Vanguardia, September 8, 2019. Diners: Alternatives
by Juan Bufill: view or download.PDF (in Catalan)
by Juan Bufill: view or download.PDF (in Spanish)
English translation; view or download.PDF – facsimile
ara, October 2, 2019. Cultura
by Antoni Ribas Tur: view or download PDF (in Catalan)
English translation; view or download.PDF – facsimile
d i g i t a l P R E S S
MIRADOR de les arts, May 24, 2019. In Combat for the love of art
by Montse Frisach; view or download.PDF – interactive facsimile
by Montse Frisach; MIRADOR de les arts Link
Cuadros de una exposición, July 29, 2019
by Marta Teixidó: view or download.PDF (in Spanish) – interactive
by Marta Teixidó: Cuadros de una exposición Link (Select language)
five years in the trenches, exhibition: March – September 2019 (3:55 mins)