el quadern robat emerged in January 2012 as a personal blog of reflections and experiences related to the professional activity of its author, Anna Belsa. Degree in History of Art from the University of Barcelona, she graduated in 1983, with the thesis “Vienna: introduction of an architectural aesthetic”. After four years collaborating with the department of art history of the university, in 1987 she joined the team of the Galeria Joan Prats in Barcelona where she worked until January 2014. During many seasons, she was in charge of the programming of the Galleria Joan Prats-Artgràfic, in which took place the first exhibitions of artists such as Jordi Alcaraz, Joan Furriols, Chema Madoz, Jorge R. Pombo and David Ymbernon among many others. On April 3 2014, the galeria el quadern robat was inaugurated, with the same name as the blog.
el quadern robat occupies the main floor of a modernist house in the Eixample district of Barcelona. After twenty-six years working in a conventional contemporary art gallery with wide and diaphanous spaces, she came to the conclusion that many times, these spaces do not predispose to the real perception of the works. On the other hand, the domestic scale gives works of art a closer dimension. The philosophy of el quadern robat will be the same that guided her work in Joan Prats-Artgràfic: presenting proposals with fundamental, solid, sincere values, and firmly rooted in his environment.
e q r, Gallery floor plan: view or download.PDF
2024 Catorze14, October 21, 2024. Tàpies without an end point, by Maria Palau. Five voices from the art world highlight works by the Barcelona artist: Joan Casellas, Victoria Combalía, Àlex Mitrani, Imma Prieto and Anna Belsa. Catorze14. Tàpies sense punt final. Link (in Catalan) View or download.PDF, interactive facsimile in Catalan
2024 El Punt Avui, April 12, 2024. De reüll, Maria Palau mentions Anna Belsa: view or download.PDF (in Catalan)
2023 El Punt Avui, September 27, 2023, Maria Palau interview with Anna Belsa, view or download.PDF (in Catalan)
2021 Mirador de les Arts, May 10, 2021, Farewell, by Ricard Mas, Mirador de les Arts.Link
2020 El Temps de les Arts, Nov. 27, 2020, The legacy of the 80s and 90s , by Roberta Bosco. Temps de les Arts.Link / View or download.PDF, interactive facsimile in Catalan
2020 Vallpalou Foundation. SEMINAR ‘SO FAR, SO CLOSE. AT THE CROSSROADS OF THE 80s AND 90s. Friday 20 and Saturday 21 November 2020. Lleida. Video, Anna Belsa, 3:56 m
2020 Mirador de les arts, 9 October 2020, Alfons Borrell, crosscurrent, by Anna Belsa. Link (in Catalan)a Link (in Spanish)
2020 Mirador de les arts, August 12, 2020, Fiction Mirador: The Umbrella, by Anna Belsa. Link (in Catalan) Link (in Spanish)
2020 El Punt Avui, July 18, 2020, De reüll. Art for sale, Maria Palau mentions Anna Belsa: view or download.PDF (in Catalan)
English translation: see or download.PDF (interactive)
2020 El Punt Avui+, July 18, 2020, De reüll, Art for sale, Maria Palau mentions Anna Belsa: El Punt Avui. Link
2020 Mirador de les arts, July 10, 202, Ricard Mas interviews Anna Belsa, mirador de les arts Link (in Catalan) mirador de les arts Link (in Spanish)
2020 ara, May 14,2020, by Antoni Ribas Tur: view o download.PDF (in Catalan)
2020 El Punt Avui, by Maria Palau, Reptes del sector de l’art per fer front al món que ve: view or download.PDF (in Catalan)
.2020 El Punt Avui, by Maria Palau, Reptes del sector de l’art per fer front al món que ve: El Punt Avui Digitall. Link (in Catalan)
2020 betevé: Galeries d’art en temps de confinament: de la sala d’exposicions a la xarxa, 27-03-2020, by, Marta Ballesta: betevé Link (in Catalan)
2020 El Temps de les Arts, by Anna Belsa, Joan de Muga, in memoriam: El Temps de les Arts. Link (in Catalan)
2020 ara by Antoni Ribas Tur, In Memoriam Joan de Muga: view or download.PDF (in Catalan)
2019 El Punt Avui, by Maria Palau: Ha estat el 2019 un bon o un mal any artistic?: view or download.PDF (in Catalan)
2019 ara, by Antoni Ribas Tur, Culture, interview with Anna Belsa, October 2, 2019: see or download.PDF (in Catalan)
English translation: view or download.PDF – facsimile
2019 El Punt Avui, July 3, 2019, Maria Palau interview with Anna Belsa: view or download.PDF (in Catalan)
English translation: see or download.PDF
2019 Fiona Morrison “El joc” Fundació Valvi, Girona, text by Anna Belsa and Ester Xargay. Catalogue: view or download.PDF (in Catalan)
2018 Descubrir el Arte, by Marie Claire Uberquoi, Gallery of the month, May 2018: view or download.PDF (in Spanish)
English translation: view or download.PDF – facsimile
2016 e n g a w a 19, Cobweb, from a photograph of Martí Gasull Coral, text by Anna Belsa: view or download.PDF (in Spanish)
2015 Anna Belsa: Oriol Jolonch’s Iinvented realities. Text for Oriol Jolonch’s exhibition catalog,
at the Vila Casas Foundation, Barcelona: view or download.PDF
el quadern robat, agost, agosto, August, 2023 (oo;45 s)
el quadern robat, agost, agosto, August, 2022 (1:23 min)
el quadern robat, agost, agosto, August, 2021 (1:28 min)
el quadern robat, agost, agosto, August, 2020 (0:44 s)
el quadern robat, #JoEmQuedoACasa #YoMeQuedoEnCasa #ISayAtHome, 2020 (1:56 min)
el quadern robat, agost, agosto, August 2019 (00:57 s)
el quadern robat, agost, agosto, August 2018 (1:17 min)
el quadern robat, agost, agosto, August 2017 (0,46 s)
el quadern robat, agost, agosto, August 2016 (0,38 s)
el quadern robat, agost, agosto, August 2015 (0,38 s)