05 Martí Gasull i Coral, 2015
2019 Cinc anys a les trinxeres / Five years in the trenches Group exhibition
05 Martí Gasull i Coral, June 2015
Barcelona i la llum d’aquells anys / Barcelona and the light of those years
June 11, 2015 – September 30, 2015
Catalogue: view or download.PDF
Press Release: view or download.PDF
p a p e r P R E S S
La Vanguardia, July 6, 2015
Galeries de Barcelona Inauguracions recents
by Juan Bufill: view or download.PDF (in Catalan)
by Juan Bufill: view or download.PDF (in Spanish)
El País, September 10, 2015. Quadern
by Josep Casamartina i Parassols: view or download.PDF (in Catalan)
Spanish translation: view or download.PDF – facsimile
El Punt Avui, September 14, 2015. Cultura i Espectacles
by Montse Frisach: view or download.PDF (in Catalan)
El Punt Avui / Catalonia Today, September 14, 2015
by Montse Frisach: view or download.PDF (in English)
El Periódico, September 29, 2015, BARCELONEJANT
by Natàlia Farré: view or download.PDF (in Catalan)
by Natàlia Farré: view or download.PDF (in Spanish)
d i g i t a l P R E S S
Núvol Pantalles, September 22, 2015
by Jordi Solà Coll: view or download.PDF – interactive facsimile (in Catalan)
by Jordi Solà Coll: Núvol Pantalles Link (in Catalan)
Spanish translation: view or download.PDF – interactive facsimile
ISO AF PARETS Magazine, nº 4 autumn 2015, p. 2, 4, 5 and 6
by Mercè Ramírez: view or download.PDF (in Catalan)
ISO AF PARETS Magazine, nº 4 2015. (full): https://afparets.com/revista-iso-2015-no4/
Palau de la Música Orfeó Català
Press Collection: view or download PDF – page 2
Martí Gasull i Coral, exhibition June 2015 (6,34 mins)
The exhibition includes 26 photographs of the extensive creative production of Marti Gasull Coral. In this video, there is a wider selection with other themes such as landscape, portrait or social photography.
Author: Martí Gasull Avellán (13:07 mins)
TV3 – 33 recommends, Martí Gasull i Coral, July 17, 2015 (00:26 s) in catalan